Osteoporosis and Bone Fit™
You’ve probably heard the term, but do you understand what osteoporosis is? According to Osteoporosis Canada:
- Osteoporosis is a condition that causes bone tissue to become thin and porous which increases bone fragility and risk of fracture (broken bones), particularly of the hip, spine, and wrist.
- At least 1/3 of Canadian women and 1/5 of Canadian men will break a bone due to osteoporosis.
- Osteoporosis can result in disfigurement, lowered self-esteem, reduction or loss of mobility, and decreased independence.
- Both men and women begin to lose bone by their 30s. After menopause, women lose bone at an increased rate (as much as 2-3% per year).
Are you at risk of Osteoporosis?
- Osteoporosis develops silently which means bone density loss can be occurring for many years without warning. If osteoporosis is first diagnosed when a fracture occurs, it means the loss of bone density is already in advanced stages.
- Go through the online check list on osteoporosis.ca to see if you are at risk.
Why should you see a Bone Fit™ Trained Physiotherapist?
If you have osteoporosis it is important to know that exercise is both safe and highly recommended. Bone Fit™ Trained health professionals have training in clinical assessment and fracture screening techniques to help monitor changes over time and determine a safe plan of action going forward with your diagnosis.
Bone Fit™ Trained physiotherapists use their knowledge and skill set to advise on appropriate adaptations to daily activities that may pose a risk of falls or fractures. Bone Fit™ Trained physiotherapists also provide a structured exercise program that is safe for someone with reduced bone density.
Consultation with a physiotherapist is recommended by Osteoporosis Canada’s “Too Fit to Fracture” exercise guidelines to provide direction on appropriate exercises and adaptations, proper alignment, safe transitions and positioning.
Having Bone Fit™ Trained support personnel and Pilates instructors allows for a greater continuity of your care through all facets of our clinic and studio.
A Word from Us!
Jen Alford, PT, FCAMPT, Clinic Owner
I am thrilled to receive my Bone Fit™ certification. Knowledge of osteoporosis management and prevention is crucial for improved care and health of our clients and ourselves. The effects of osteoporosis can be devastating on someone’s well-being and self-esteem. I’m excited to incorporate Bone Fit™ training and knowledge into my Physiotherapy practice. Our goal is to empower people with knowledge so they are prepared to make informed decisions about their own health care.
Kerrie Corrigan, PT
I am looking forward to being able to make my educational material more specific and to provide thoughtful adaptation suggestions for daily activities to make day to day living safer. I have already begun to incorporate the osteo-protective exercise principles into my practice and am very pleased with how they benefit so many patient populations.
Kaitlin Chastney, PTA, STOTT Pilates® Instructor
I am most excited to implement the safe exercises with both the physiotherapy and Pilates clients I work with, while also providing the education surrounding the osteoporosis safe exercises and the daily exercise requirements according to the “Too Fit to Fracture” protocols.
Interested in learning more about osteoporosis and the Bone Fit™ program? Follow us on Facebook, visit our events page or contact us for information about upcoming events and education sessions geared towards osteoporosis education.